Wednesday, January 20, 2016

January 20th, a Day to Re-Resolve. It's okay to Start Over.

Its January 2016, the start of a new year. Time for resolutions.

We often start out the year with an enthusiasm for accomplishing our goals that surpasses that of a Star Wars fan at a Jedi-themed birthday party. But our enthusiasm can quickly fade with passing time and cupcakes in passing. 

But, three weeks into the year, some of you may be still on track. If so, congratulations, you win. 

But let's be honest, not many of us are perfectly on track. There's still room to re-evaluate and start again. (Who says you can't re-make your resolutions on January 20th?!)

If you haven't been so successful with staying "on-track" with your goals, you may want to consider what might be the root of your problem. Maybe you didn't pick the right goal. Or maybe you lack the motivation to accomplish it. Or maybe on a whim you wrote a list of things you might like to do this year.
  • Learn to cook
  • Lose 234 lbs
  • Watch less TV
  • Cut back number of tissues used while watching the soap opera If Loving You is Wrong 
  • Get spiritual
  • Read more books
  • Become Justin Bieber's best friend
I am a huge fan of lists. But I like good lists. Meaningful lists.

For example, before choosing New Year's goals, some people explore categories and select a goal within each. I like this idea.

1. Emotional
e.g. get a pet

2. Spiritual
e.g. go to church

3. Intellectual
e.g. read more stuff

4. Social
e.g. get a boyfriend

5. Physical
e.g. exercise more

While this is a good start, most people don't get anywhere if they choose goals that aren't specific (read stuff) or goals include factors out of their control (get a boyfriend).

So, what is the solution? Maybe start by asking yourselves the following questions:

What kind of person do I want to become?
What do I need to change to become that person?
What do I want to accomplish this year? 
What do I want to learn?

Then make it specific.
When will I do it? 
How will I accomplish this?
Who will help me?
What is the desired outcome?
Why does it matter?

Remember to make them SMART goals.

Specific: What do you want to achieve in your area of focus?
Meaningful: Why is this goal important to you?
Action Oriented: What steps will you take to achieve it?
Realistic: How do you know that you can achieve this goal?
Timely: By when do you want to achieve this goal?

Now I bet you're thinking "Awh man. This goal stuff is tough work."

Mmhmm. I know it is. BUT! We haven't gotten to my favorite part yet. Creating a vision.

Imagine yourself accomplishing the goal. Take time to imagine what it will feel like. Envision yourself happy and successful. Doesn't it feel great to think about? I've done this before, and I've found it helpful to write out my vision. That way, when I'm facing a particularly hard task, I can review my vision for a boost of motivation. :) 

P.S. Don't get discouraged if the process isn't perfect. You have time, and goals can be reevaluated. 

Sarah Jane

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